some xiao ding dong

just yesterday morning, my house phone rang. My mum picked up e phone and suddenly called out for me to take the call.
befuddled as to who could possibly call me so early, i took over the phone n heard a woman rambling away. the word"jail" kept coming out. I could only make out one sentence:''I am going to jail because of u."
YES u read that correctly.
Wat u are feeling now is probably wat i felt then. I started saying 'hello' several times, thinking mayb i just heard wrongly. For a moment there I was so caught aback i seriously reflected whether any of my past actions could have landed anybody in jail. The crazy woman just repeated the offending statement again, before resuming her ramblings.
Then she stopped and said," I'm going to call again." And hung up. (!!!)
WHAT THE ?@#**#!!
Now i believe my mum. She was saying the other day that there are quite afew xiao ding dong people around lately. Lets see if this woman would call again. I'ld be better prepared next time round!

computing nightmare~~HELP

As your dear author types, she can feel life being slowly sucked away from her. HELPPP~~!
I am stuck in the nightmare of computing.
data, data...and more data!
spreadsheets and even more spreadsheets!!
function after function and technical jargon i dont understand.
The lecturer has a great deal of confidence in the class, though. Zipped through everything.
I have just barely survived my first computing lesson but feel sooo dead. sighhh~wonder how others are spending their holidays now?