Can I NOT turn 20?

The terrible onset of age!!!

A gentle reminder to all those concerned ( with giving me presents) --my BIRTHDAY is approaching. Though I dont really want to remember it this time round..After this birthday, it'll be sayonara to my already distant teenagehood. Noooo~
I feel so old.
A while ago, I felt depressed when I see those secondary school girls. They have this look that only girls of their age have-vibrant, very happy and carefree. Now, I get depressed when I see secondary school and JC girls. To put it simply, I feel o.l.d.
For me at least, I was happiest in secondary school, especially in lower sec. Even though we were kind of idiotic at that age, there was always something to do or look forward to. Maybe it was because I was more easily amused at that time. Sigh~ JC wasn't exactly a bundle of fun, but well, it had certain redeeming points.
Truth is, I dont want to grow any older beyond my 18 year old mind and body. If you could choose which age to remain as, what age would you prefer? Most probably 18 for me. 16 is a little undeveloped, 20 seems unexciting, but 18 is an age full of possibilities. Another reason I dont want to grow any older is some very unfair social perceptions.
Why do women have to be young to be beautiful? Guys just get more attractive with age, and are called "bachelors", whereas older women are considered "over the hill" , unattractive "spinsters"/ "old maids". Why?? Cant we age elegantly?
Anyway, I have walked around quite alot these days, and seen some very nice stuff. And many things I 've been wanting suddenly comes to mind. *hint hint* So I thought I'd compile them into a wishlist. ( which is in my 'icecream addict' profile) * HINT HINT*