Pieces of me everywhere

I connected with this poem immediately, probably because I'm an untidy person too? Haha~
Sometimes I feel like there're so many odd little pieces of me everywhere, that I cannot safely say
which makes me me, because they are all part of me. Sometimes I may be physically here, but I'll
be somewhere else inside my head. Oh dear, this came out sounding a little weird. Anyway,


I leave myself about, slattenly,
bits of me, and times I liked:
I let them go on lying where
they fall, crumple, if they will.
I know fine how to make them walk
and breathe again. Sometimes at night,
or on the train, I dream I'm dancing,
or lying in someone's arms who says
he loves my eyes in French, and again
and again I am walking up your road,
that first time, bidden and wanted,
the blossom on the trees, light,
light and buoyant. Pull yourself
together, they say, quite rightly,
but she is stubborn, that girl,
that hopeful one, still walking.

Kate Clanchy

luv Singapura~

Check out this video! After watching, I realised how much I love this little red dot of a country.
I was like,"Yah that's soo true!" and laughing throughout the viewing. Hahahaa~! The person who did the
animation has a wicked sense of humour! Even found myself singing along to the chorus.
That's how good this vid is.
Right, will not reveal any spoilers. Watch it for yourself. ; )

back to school

(aussie accent)" So can anyone give me an example?"
"......................................................(pin drop)......
................" (Singaporean silence)

Photocopying room
balance several brick sized textbooks on the machine.
stare into space while my brain turns into slush. stone~~

Finally! End of the day..
"what are you doing after school? clubbing/shopping/eating out?"
"go home watch youtube loh."

Yay, back to school. Same old same old.

Happy new year~

Tada~! How do you find my new blogskin? Before you label me as 'another besotted hua chi', hear me out. Got several reasons for using this skin, beside the obvious one that it displays five shuai ge(s). Which happens to have my darling situated almost in the centre.. hehheh.

Was walking home after an impromptu countdown sleepover at Monki's place, when I just started to get unusually thoughtful. (Want to know what we did to usher in 2007? Something super lame, actually. You might have already guessed.) Was reflecting on my favourite theme of late- age. FYI, the DBSK guys are around my age, while one of them is even 2 years my junior. While some of us are still floundering around doing god knows what, they have already built a successful career and are going on to greater things. That single thought depresses me.

Therefore! In this new year I will try to catch up with them in my own way. Either academically or otherwise. More action, less talk! And thus the self motivating blogskin. haha~