Blog's not dead....yet.

Just to let you know, this blog's not dead...yet.

Can't believe how busy and stressed i've been for this past month. Oh same old story-projects, deadlines, work. Yeah im busy, in a v.unproductive way. Sigh.

Kei, if you're reading this, i take back everything i've said before regarding people who sing on the bus. Because of this incident which happened quite some time ago...but it's not like i have anything more interesting to blog about. T_T

It was after a particularly looong day, and i just wanted to have a nice nap during the journey home. Some joker sitting behind decided to have an impromptu karaoke session. Maybe he thought tt was 'romantic'? At first he was just humming along to e song, and i didn't mind him much. Humming soon turned to (loud) singing. Then he decided he just had to sing the chorus of e same song at least 10 times.
So there i was, willing myself to sleep while e guy was butchering the song behind me. It's not like he sang out of tune, just that his voice was so grating, whiny and plain annoying. It got so ridiculous e girl in front of me turned back to frown at him, with no (audible) effect. As for me, i didn't bother looking. But i did notice tt the seats were almost emptied when i finally escaped to e 1st level.

ARRRRRRGH~~!! Has this guy nvr heard of KBOX? If u want to sing tt loudly, might as well use a microphone! Somewhere you can save yourself from embarrassment and others from irritation.

Btw, wanna know what song he was singing? Show Luo's 'Ai Zhuan Jiao'. He made me hate e song X(