Is there such a thing called 'unique'?

Thought i'ld better post sth before people think i've deserted this pitiful blog. -_-;
Im on vacation now, which means more time for doing crappy stuff! Just now, I was reading some Taiwanese blogs over at found them quite interesting, or at least highly individual.

Nowadays, you get to see young people from so many parts of the world, not only in the real world but also in cyberspace...and among them, so many are talented. There may be dancers, artists, designers..the list goes on. One may be proud to believe he posesses a 'unique' talent, but perhaps, right at the other end of the world, someone, somewhere, has the same skills,and may even be better.
So is there really anything that is truly 'unique', in this world teeming with 6+ billion homo sapiens? Can you safely say there is an absolute 0% probability there will ever be any person like you?

Maybe this is why so many people try so hard to set themselves 'apart from the crowd', through their dress style, way of speaking or whatever.

Maybe we don't need to try so hard, if we recognise that ALL people are unique in themselves, even if they only dress in T-shirts and jeans, and go shopping in slippers. Because being 'unique' goes way beyond the surface, and encompasses your lifestyle, your views on life, your beliefs. In that way, each and every one of us is already unique, without trying to.

If we all just be ourselves, and feel comfortable in our own skin, isn't that already unique?