Drinking tea and revisiting e beach..........


Cant believe it...this is it.

Listening to a string of Grey's Anatomy soundtracks.

Yep, this is it. Noooo not the end of this dying blog, guess it will splutter on for a while....but im starting the last sem of my entire academic life next Mon. How time flies! I certainly dont remember having been an undergraduate for v. long....and now this is it???!! It feels like time speeds up the older one gets, somehow. Therefore, one gets older faster? Sighhh. (Hmm i try v.hard not to remember my age now...it's best to forget....)

I know i keep griping about lousy, nonsense school life...but now that it really is ending, i feel like holding on to this time of my life abit longer. For what? Not so sure myself, maybe it's just the lazy me who doesn't want to seriously work for bread and butter any time soon. Or maybe, there IS a point to all this continued education after all...ahahaa. What i've learned from all these years of 'higher' education....is that one must be able to think on one's own two feet, and picked up some 'hard' skills on researching and all that. But most of all, i think i've learned not to take things for granted - where's the evidence? How credible?

Would love to say, 'Oh! I had a happening collage life. Joining societies, clubbing and....you wont believe how much alcohol i can tahan..' but the sad truth is, i cant. In truth all those things dont mean a v.big deal to me anyway...I dont regret anything much, except that it would have been far more interesting if i made more friends, esp male ones ahahaa. Dont know if it's got to do with me being Asian, but a thought keeps looming,' aaahhh market value going down already..30th mark just around the corner!' And then alot of nasty 'what-if' scenarios play out in my head.

Anyhow, got to make the most of it. Perhaps i shall go clubbing every Wed, drink till crazy drunk, go out with friends after every lecture and read a pile of Tang poetry in the library.........................

HiLow! Is this your story..........?

Am reading this digital magazine recently. I only wish there was a print version because i'ld most def buy it. I suppose you could say it is an accumulation of young people's thoughts and feelings....or you could say it is a digital scrapbook of our life stories....

Is this your story? Take some time to read the words.


...Mr. Bocelli, please...Elmo is trying to sleep!

I don't know how I came across an old Sesame Street video clip - was looking for something quite unrelated. But boy, am i glad i did. Half an hour of healthy chuckling...no matter what some haters may say, I'll always love tt show...and adorableee Elmo. Turned out that pple like Mr.Bocelli, Miss Norah Jones, and Mr.James Blunt have all appeared on SS at some point. Even Nick and Aaron Carter (!!!)

This had me chuckling...especially towards the end. Counting to 20, singing songsss~~

Maybe i can save some time for some pple, because it took me bloody long to find sth this simple. Making images on your blog pop up in window.

Heard Utada Hikaru's new English album (This Is The One)...and honestly, im a little disappointed. It's not as adventurous or funky as some of her Japanese singles. There were only a few standout tracks, Come Back to Me, On and On, Merry Christmas Mr.Lawrence...

EDIT: Ok can i swallow my words. Now tt im listening to it a second time round, it actually sounds really good. Looks like i just didnt turn e volume up enough.)

Going to listen to Eason's new album now, hope it wont be another disappointment.

Wouldn't it be nice....

if we got younger, and stay carefree forever?
I LOVED tt cadbury ad song...why didn't i listen to the Beach Boys earlier? Surf music is greaaaat.

I never thought i'ld be interested in stuff like this, but i find this article pretty interesting. Would be useful even if u're not planning to freelance...always good to visualise what u want in your career right? Plus, it's by Gina Trapani, one of e founders of Lifehacker, tt famous blog i always visit for loads of productivity hacks when im procastinating. Hahaha how ironic.

Exciting days ahead <3

Im only giving myself 5 minutes for this entry, so i'll just type whatever comes into my mind.

Anyway, i've got alot of things/events to busy myself with this March, so am feeling really happy/fulfilled now. I've just managed to accomplish something i always wanted to do, and am still pinching myself in disbelief that it is actually happening. Hooray!

Also, i set a resolution to use the Internet for only 2hrs a day, and i've already used up 80% of today's quota :[[ Bah! So many sites to look at, so little time....

Yesterday i made an ice sculpture........

Now look at that! Am I an artist or what??! HAHAHA.
(More like i forgot to take my mug out of e freezer.)

Good, my hp camera manages to take decent pictures....and yaaay i've just made a collage with my new software :DD