What am I doing?

So, the dreaded day came...and went. Sigh.
At least it turned out to be quite a happy day, because I bought a fabulous present for myself-a DBSK CD!!
WAHAHAHA~~ And I'm also waiting to get 'that' present from you, Monki.....

Do you sometimes wonder what the hell you are doing with your life? I do, and very often too. Even more often since my birthday. Sometimes you see these people who are your age, already carving out a niche for themselves in whatever field, and then you realise you haven't exactly accomplished anything. Very depressing thought.
Would making an early resolution for the coming year help? Hmm..resolutions seem to be made so I can feel pious and less guilty. "At least im making an effort", I tell myself. And then I conveniently forget all about it.
I just took this 'what tarot card are you?' quiz. It says Im about to come across something/someone 'that is so much a part of myself..that I cannot, dare not resist'. Whoa..sounds interesting! It even goes to the point of saying that I will 'know instinctively' that I must have the something/someone, even if it means diverging from my chosen path. Alright, am not getting younger-better buck up from now on~


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