walkin' in e sunshine

Somebody asked me where my ideal honeymoon destination would be.
I said i didn't know yet, but for now it'ld be a place with neverending grassplains/meadows and streams. We'll just lie right there, feel the wind and sunshine on our faces, and be happy simply because we're together, in that peaceful place. Yeah, guys! I'm a low maintainence girlfriend! HAHAA~
On second thought, best to have a good shopping spot. lol.
Even I don't know where this place might be. Maybe New Zealand? Does anyone know of such a place? What's your ideal honeymoon?
But for now, I can only dream, because i lack the 2 most important prerequisites for it to come true. Go figure. So, I'll just imagine myself strolling in a meadow with my (imaginary)dog Scruff. Note the matching slippers. hehheh.

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credits to yunqing on whose blog i found this fun dollmaker.

Happy Valentines' day to myself

I think im suffering a slight case of the HFV snydrome. Hunger for viewership snydrome.
Hahahaa~! I just coined a new acronym!

Seriously, i find myself checking out how many people have viewed my Youtube channel and blog every now and then. Of course alot of people say they blog for their own pleasure, but who wouldnt like to see people actually leaving comments for them? I get a rush of satisfaction and 'self-achievement' when I see that my viewership has increased, and get strangely disappointed when it hasn't. Therefore, the side effects of HFV- alternating obsession and depression.
Clearly, this is not a very healthy state of mind. But it seems like im not alone in this condition.

A recent study states that a v. high percentage( forgot how high exactly) of teenagers and young pple
check viewership on their virtual accounts everyday.
My brother is one living example. Every night, without fail, he'll check how many people have viewed his
Friendster profile. Particularly the number of girls. Anyway, I better curb this obsession before it becomes full blown. I dont want to blog just for the sake of getting more readers.