walkin' in e sunshine

Somebody asked me where my ideal honeymoon destination would be.
I said i didn't know yet, but for now it'ld be a place with neverending grassplains/meadows and streams. We'll just lie right there, feel the wind and sunshine on our faces, and be happy simply because we're together, in that peaceful place. Yeah, guys! I'm a low maintainence girlfriend! HAHAA~
On second thought, best to have a good shopping spot. lol.
Even I don't know where this place might be. Maybe New Zealand? Does anyone know of such a place? What's your ideal honeymoon?
But for now, I can only dream, because i lack the 2 most important prerequisites for it to come true. Go figure. So, I'll just imagine myself strolling in a meadow with my (imaginary)dog Scruff. Note the matching slippers. hehheh.

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credits to yunqing on whose blog i found this fun dollmaker.


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