Dona Nobis Pacem

Oh dear, i think e pic's too small. Ah~ i tried. If u want to see what's written on it, please click on e image.
To start this off, 'Dona Nobis Pacem' is Latin for 'Grant Us Peace'. I got e main pic from this lady who started this blog movement some time ago (last yr?). Basically, her idea's to spread a powerful message on this day (6/6/07) whereby all bloggers will post e same thing/pic wishing for peace. Read Mimi's thoughtful post on how it all started...So now u see how free i am. lol~

[EDIT] Wow. It's working. I just goggled e words 'Dona Nobis Pacem' n it came up with over 2000 results for blog entries! n e blog count's probably increasing by e minute. Incredible.


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