On footless tights and shopping ban........

No. This is not drawn by me. During my endless blog hopping, i somehow found this girl who draws all e stuff she purchases in a year. This is just one of many many cute pics she drew. I <3 her fonts! And would you believe it, she even draws her credit card statements (!!!!)
[Edit] Arrrgh. Stupid Blogger wouldn't allow me to link her. Will try again ltr.

Now, on to the subject of footless tights. I can't decide whether i like or hate them. Some anti-footless tights people say they're nothing more than glammed-up leggings. I see their point, but tights really are an interesting addition to an outfit sometimes. However. I don't like how they end abruptly at e ankles...you know, there isn't a smooth line extending all e way to the feet? So it's like there's a break in e line, and and the look isn't as chic or put together as i like it to be. This is why i still don't own a pair of tights yet. Well maybe it's better that i don't, since almost everybody is now clad in tights. Hehhehheh..

YAAAAAYY. Haven't bought anything for a week now (except food).
: DD
I'll probably have to break the ban temporarily for Mothers' Day...but that's counted as an exception right? Haha....


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