1st post aft surviving lack of Internet

Ok, I know im supposed to blog more often since e last post, but my freaking pc just died on me last week.
Definitely an experience i would never want to have again. So for e whole of this week, i was moping around e house, and cursing e pc...and also myself, for over relying on e internet.

As mysterious circumstances would have it, i also happen to be reading this v.interesting book 'How to be Free'. One point e author makes is tt we rely too much on others to entertain ourselves - reading what others write, listening to music others make, watching media produced by others. That pretty much sums up what i do with my 'free' time. How tragic. Along this thread, he argues that we give up part of our power to these people, fragmenting our lives over which we are powerless. I'll dedicate more time to this topic in my next blog post...there are too many things to say!

So anyway, my life actually got more varied with e absence of Internet. Went out with real friends, instead of exhanging politely friendly virtual messages with people i don't know tt well. Did some cleaning up, got a job, read more books and magazines, instead of looking at how much more 'happening' other people's lives are. I actually enjoyed myself. Of course, i missed watching Legend, my daily dose of blogs and music...but I more than survived e ordeal.


erl said...

testing testing!!

erl said...

YAY e plugin is working :D

Kei said...

what e hell happened to ur blog.. n how come u hvn't done anything abt e other blog...

mull and muse said...

haha. tt author makes sense. what i think is that many times we rely too much on external things to fill up our minds n souls.. we can also gain fulfilment thru looking into ourselves (instead of books, tv, songs etc). try that when u r free!

erl said...

Thanks for commenting, Jacinta :]
Yeah tt's what im trying to achieve now - not to rely so much on external things.

Kei, this blog's still in 'beta'. So is e other blog. Hurhurhur~

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