My new Girl Crush <3

I had wanted to post my thoughts after watching 12 Lotus, but e Olympic artistic gymnastics diverted my attention. Specifically, someone diverted my attention.

Introducing Anna Bessonova! Her ribbon routine was b e a u t i f u l. Then again i didn't get to see her ball and hoop segments, so i cant judge whether she deserved more than e bronze medal she got.

One thing's for sure though- she excited e audience e most. Even during her performance, people were clapping and cheering loudly for her. For me, she stands out from all e rest because she possesses a rare talent and charisma to portray e mood of e music. Dancing alone may only need practise, but try doing that while working a ribbon and turning somersaults! People are alrdy discussing whether she's retiring after this year's Olympics, since she is turning 25...but i hope not!

Alright, see for yourself.

12 Lotus

Today 12 Lotus opens! Been wanting to catch this latest film from Roystan Tan ever since i saw e trailer on e omnipresent Tv Mobile. Hurhur~

Just heard e radio interview Roystan Tan amd Liu Ling Ling did with UFM1003, which made me want to watch it more <3 It's true what Ke Ning said- 881 aroused different feelings/thoughts about Singapore in me, whether it's about our culture (e existence of which used to be fiercely discussed), local films, and pple who are always in e society background. It's great that films such as this are adding to the local film industry...i think local music and films have really gotten more support from Singaporeans recently.

A trailor:

credits to

A few things im alrdy itching to find out:
1) the significance of the colour pink in e movie.

2) Stephanie Sun's role. No sign of her in e trailers - so mysterious siahh.

3) the significance of Guan Yin in e movie. In e interview, Roystan mentioned it was a show of love on e character's part.

Ok, calling for movie kakhis~ let's go watch together~

Anybody here? Hurhur.

For all i know, there may be nobody checking out my blog these days, due to the inexcusably loooong break in posting. Maybe, or especially....because of my last post.
Oh well, im back, i promise! Come back come backkkk dear friends~

I shall try to lure you back with 5 cuties. I'm replaying this song alot lately. Melody's beautiful, and besides, just look at JaeJoong in the beginning <3

My thoughts on watching e MV:
1. Yoochun sshi...Plz, plz, cut your hair T_T

2. Somehow i don't think e context of this song applies to any of e DBSK guys. Who in their right mind would leave cute, talented guys like them for elderly looking men? Then again, im biased i suppose.

3. Really, e guy in e MV deserved it. Losing e girl, i mean. If you are gg to be so passive and not tell her how you feel, then of course she's not gg to wait for you. He didn't just give up - he never even tried! It's downright stupid to lose what could have been a lasting relationship just because both parties had no guts to admit their feelings for each other...isn't it?