Personalities at work #1

Think im developing a habit of blogging at work - takes the mind off things for a while and seems like a more productive distraction than stalking people on Facebook.
Also, somehow words just flow out of the fingers easier when I blog at work.

I had a few blog topics in mind, but this being a Friday and the brain therefore being half switched off, thought to myself,"Why not blog about all the different types of people I see at work? Since it takes up more than 60% of my waking hours..."
I think this topic could potentially be explored over an entire series of posts, so this marks #1.

This morning, a colleague pulled me aside to complain about our mutual colleague. Her main gripe was that she was unhappy colleague H (hmm maybe i should start giving all of them private nicknames soon) who presumedly tried to accuse her of something that wasn't her fault / responsibility. Having worked for a while now, I have come across so many squabbles over the question of "Whose responsibility is this? (not mine!!)" Usually these squabbles only occur after some shit crops up.

Without taking sides and speaking from a bystander's point of view, I really dont understand the point of such internal tussles. What's the point of finding who to blame when the damage has already been done, I wonder. Isn't it far more effective to work out a solution so the same shit doesn't happen again. But then again, people are people - personal egos always stand in the way. When they say you should work smart, it's not just about the technical aspect of how you do work, maybe it's more important to be smart in terms of how you deal with people.
More and more, in ways I've never realised before, work has taught me quite a few precious lessons.

*added as an afterthought. There are more, but these have proved to be invaluable.
1. Never take people for granted.
2. Put in the effort to compose a polished, friendly email - it pays off.
3. Never badmouth anybody, not even when in private conversations.


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