Age is but a number....?

As usual, quick procrastination post from work.

Just visited that guy's blog which im a creepy stalker of heh. This time around the post was a slight deviation from usual topics, and even a touch sentimental.

He was talking about age, specifically middle age. It seems like a pretty dreary life stage - there's reminisces, youth versus aimless middle age preoccupations. What stood out was a slight melancholy about the relentless passing of time, and whether time couldn't be spent better when one reaches middle age.

So happens I was discussing this with my mother recently, ageing. This is especially pertinent for females, especially when you start comparing yourself with other same age girls. Suddenly a chilling sense of  "Why am i still stuck here?" hits and the anxieties set in.

Anyway, apparently few people ever believe their own age, and there is no such thing as a more elderly perspective. You decide very early on in life principles you stand by, things you value, and just roll on through the years holding on to these. In which case, age is not such a scary thing is it? Better to age with dignity then walk around in mini skirts and too much makeup. So what if there're wrinkles? An older woman is more assured, which is probably sexier than a teenager visiting nightclubs tugging at her too short bodycon dress while worrying about her mascara running.
Maybe age just means you dont need to try so hard to portray yourself, coz if you were doing things right all along, you are already the person you always wanted to become.

8.31pm post from my office desk

And guess what? Im feeling strangely happy.

There's an increasingly fulfilling feeling I get out of this job. The scope is literally limitless - you have the absolute freedom to decide how much you want to learn, how much you're willing to put in.
So much new knowledge to absorb every single day you wonder how those long timers keep up.

It's a brutal industry - truly only the fittest survive. "Fittest" does not refer to brawn, competitive advantage really boils down to sharpness of individual insights, and level of aggressiveness in marketing and implementation.

I remember when I was being interviewed by my then manager. When I asked her to describe "a typical day in the office", she said,"No two days are the same. Work scope varies from day to day." Haha what an understatement. No wonder she had that slightly apologetic expression on her face.


Life is not all about work!

I shall give myself a virtual pat on the shoulder here and now. Am going for a volunteering brief this Saturday, if it sounds worthwhile I can finally get off my lazy ass.
November and December are typically the most socially active months. Need to line up all those meetups, too many people I haven't caught up with in a long time. Now it's becoming really challenging, everybody's got other commitments, work takes up a ridiculously high % of our waking hours.