Clearing out the 2012 bucket list

Yep, am busy clearing out my bucket list....such a great way to validate my absence on here for entire Q2.

At the beginning of the year, this was how the bucket list looked like in my head.


...because invariably, I do. 80% of the time, I don't manage to keep up the action with the good intentions. 
This is the year Im going to just do it!!!

So now examining the finer points of my bucket list....because this is the most effective way to honestly evaluate myself, and push myself harder to check off pending items. Only 5 more months to go, no time to lose!

1. Exercise more - At least thrice per week. 
Merit: On average, the closest I have gotten is twice a week, and that probably happened maybe once every 3-4 weeks. Have found that it is mostly counter-productive to plan for exercise in the nighttime, because I get too tired/lazy/hungry to even go out of the house, let alone sustain a 30min jog. So recently I have switched to morning jogs / workouts. Now I just need to stop myself from wanting to stay up till 1am. Discipline is sadly wanting as usual. Will try harder for next month and update progress on here.

2. Buy health insurance and start investing for long term.
Gold: Bitten my teeth and forced myself to trawl through endless online debates about term life VS full life insurance, reading up about sly tricky timetraps of so called endowment plans, meeting insurance agent after work Thursday nights. FINALLY I can strike off one item on the bucket list. Now it has shifted to a different challenge - how to put aside more $$$ each month so I can pay off the premiums AND have some savings left over.

3. Project to avoid becoming "that single female desperado lusting over younger men while shut up after hours at home watching soppy romcoms....eventually to die old and single in the toilet."
Gold: I really deserve a pat on the back for this one. Never knew you have to work to get dates, but I guess same goes for all of us not in Angelina Jolie's calibre. Despite constant disapproving remarks from two close friends, I went ahead to get a membership on this dating site, because it's downright stupid to not be able to read / reply to everybody's messages for the lack of 1-2 measly dollars a day. Since Im doing this, Im going in full steam ahead. Sadly though, this site doesn't seem to offer as many potential matches as another (free) site Im trying out. Ah well, cant say I didn't try.

After 2 weeks, there has already been at least 3 matches with high potential, or at least seem interesting enough to warrant following up with a date. I'll have to step on my toes for this, knowing my tendency to procrastinate I have to set concrete dates to get the ball rolling.

Was supposed to do some work an hour ago, so the rest will have to follow in subsequent posts - which means, yay! resuming blogging.


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