Here's to simple pleasures!

There's always a day on which I wake up, and the whole day seems to loom ahead like an empty chasm. It may be full of activities, but I just feel sian. School-Sian. Projects-Sian. Shopping-Also Sian.
I feel like there's no purpose to all these, that im doing them because i don't know what else i can do. Wonder how many people feel this terrible boredom? Im guessing alot, or maybe i just happen to know alot of bored people. Lol.

That's why, it's nice to be reminded that actually the tiniest thing makes me happy, makes life worth living. Yesterday, i came across this book, 'Things that make us happy'. It contains thousands of short phrases, no more than one line-all the simple things in life that brighten up our day. Some examples made me smile: 'Lots of sleep' (YES tt's a luxury~!) , 'Ice-cream on a hot day', 'Suitcases that actually last for 10 years' (LOL.)

It's so easy to believe that buying something will bring us happiness, and to forget the simple joy eating ice-cream once brought us not too long ago. Maybe this is how we gradually lose our childhood...without even knowing it? One day we look back and lament, 'Where has my childhood happiness gone?',
'Why can't i be happy when i go out shopping w/o buying anything?',
'Why is it so difficult to feel happy?'
and don't realise we pushed it aside ourselves.

Actually, I've been quite happy these days, chiefly because i finally have time to do crap i enjoy doing. Hahahaa~
Current obsession-Pixel characters (like my cute catgirl on top) and Trippen shoes.
Here's to simple pleasures! Hey, maybe i should go start my own 'Things tt make me happy' mini-project.


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