Unbearable lightness of being

Recently, there have been quite alot of happenings in my life - whether at work or in private.
I have been a silent stalker of a certain blog which belongs to a 30ish year old guy. Can't even remember how I came across his blog, in any case that is of no consequence here. The weird thing is, I find myself identifying with this unknown 30ish guy on several levels.
It is not just silent agreement with his choice of music/bands (rock, indie, soul, seems quite varied), it reaches way into how we view relationships, not limited to the romantic kind. One statement struck a ringing chord - he prefers to keep people at arm's length, but gets upset when they stay at more than one arm's length away. I was like,'Wow me too!' It's funny isn't it, how you can feel a connection to a total stranger in cyberspace, when you get a virtual tour of his inner Aladdin's cave.
In fact he has inspired me to pour more of myself into this space here, if only to fulfil a certain self obsession.


Then at work, good times never last forever.
My team leader, who I get along fabulously well with, is leaving in a month's time. Sigh. Just one of the many cant be helped situations at work.
I hope whoever's coming in to replace her is a good team player, because otherwise it's going to be damn painful to work together.


I have also been obsessing excessively over the helpless impermanence of life in general. Like the work situation above, like how it's so easy to die in every single moment of your daily life.
One step too far, an inch or two away, a sharper pressure exerted, and you'll fade away quicker than a candle in the wind.
Milan Kundela knew what he was talking about.


Da Slacker said...

Keep on writing!

erl said...

so kind of u, yunqing! i suspect you make up my entire readership though lol. Anyway, will most prob continue writing, if only bcoz i need to vent somewhere.

Da Slacker said...

Haha! Well, it's nt easy to keep on blogging. Sometimes I am amazed with myself too, but I hardly blog about my work...interesting to read yours.

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