Personalities at work #2 - Perspectives goggles

I was just thinking today how convenient it would be to have a pair of perspectives goggles. Peek through it, and immediately you get a glimpse of your colleague's perspective.

Sometimes we get ensnared in a silly internal squabble, and at the end of the day it's always "person A thought this, person B thought it would be better done that way, person C barges in half way" then too many cooks spoil the broth so to speak. Happened to me bright and early this past Monday morning - without warning a colleague decided to drop a politely nasty email looping in tom dick and harry.

Now, if only we had that perspectives goggles! Everyone takes a turn to peek through it, and suddenly the other person's rationale for doing what he/she does crystallises in an instant. No miscommunication, more efficient cooperation, more work done, everybody goes off early for a quick beer at the pub downstairs. If only life was that easy huh.


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