Strawberry shortcake age

...which is 25 in Japan. Apparently the name comes because strawberry shortcake is hugely popular for Christmas in Japan, but this only lasts until night of 25th Dec. So same applies for girls (er women?) who reach that dreaded 25.

It's all downhill from here.

Strangely enough this could easily be one of the happiest birthdays I've spent though. It was all kinds of happy - fulfilling, thankful, loved. Got a meaningful present from my 2 best friends, with one of them picking it together with me, no less. Hopefully this gift will be used often for a very long time from now on. No promotion on the horizon yet, but shitty pay aside, the things I've learnt from this job have been priceless. Some things you just dont get with other jobs, Im proud to say that. Suddenly a great jump in the no. of actual friends I have, Facebook friends list not withstanding.

In retrospect, I think I've fulfilled at least 75% of this year's resolutions, which is a pretty good shot considering my track record. I wish I'ld stuck through with one or two items, so these are definitely going onto next year's list.

Decided not to mope about pending age and such, coz what's the point? In any case I never feel as old as I technically am. The clock's ticking, sure, just got to make the best of it somehow. It would be great if I can age like Aung San Suu Kyi, or maybe Jane Goodall. A woman who graciously accepts her age, but in no way lets it compromise her goals in life, whatever they may be.

Recently, I watched this drama series, where a woman discovers she has only 6 months to live. She decided to compile a bucket list of 25 items she wanted to accomplish before passing on. It struck home the fact that with the end  of each day, you are one day closer to death. Yes, that is a scary thought, but with a positive spin, it means each day should be treasured, doesn't it? It's not about nonchalently passing through yet another typical work day, staring at your handheld device on public transport, following other people's lives on a screen when you get home. One of the character's closing statements rang true,"I just want to treasure the present moment, spend it the best way I know how."


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