Strawberry shortcake age

...which is 25 in Japan. Apparently the name comes because strawberry shortcake is hugely popular for Christmas in Japan, but this only lasts until night of 25th Dec. So same applies for girls (er women?) who reach that dreaded 25.

It's all downhill from here.

Strangely enough this could easily be one of the happiest birthdays I've spent though. It was all kinds of happy - fulfilling, thankful, loved. Got a meaningful present from my 2 best friends, with one of them picking it together with me, no less. Hopefully this gift will be used often for a very long time from now on. No promotion on the horizon yet, but shitty pay aside, the things I've learnt from this job have been priceless. Some things you just dont get with other jobs, Im proud to say that. Suddenly a great jump in the no. of actual friends I have, Facebook friends list not withstanding.

In retrospect, I think I've fulfilled at least 75% of this year's resolutions, which is a pretty good shot considering my track record. I wish I'ld stuck through with one or two items, so these are definitely going onto next year's list.

Decided not to mope about pending age and such, coz what's the point? In any case I never feel as old as I technically am. The clock's ticking, sure, just got to make the best of it somehow. It would be great if I can age like Aung San Suu Kyi, or maybe Jane Goodall. A woman who graciously accepts her age, but in no way lets it compromise her goals in life, whatever they may be.

Recently, I watched this drama series, where a woman discovers she has only 6 months to live. She decided to compile a bucket list of 25 items she wanted to accomplish before passing on. It struck home the fact that with the end  of each day, you are one day closer to death. Yes, that is a scary thought, but with a positive spin, it means each day should be treasured, doesn't it? It's not about nonchalently passing through yet another typical work day, staring at your handheld device on public transport, following other people's lives on a screen when you get home. One of the character's closing statements rang true,"I just want to treasure the present moment, spend it the best way I know how."

Age is but a number....?

As usual, quick procrastination post from work.

Just visited that guy's blog which im a creepy stalker of heh. This time around the post was a slight deviation from usual topics, and even a touch sentimental.

He was talking about age, specifically middle age. It seems like a pretty dreary life stage - there's reminisces, youth versus aimless middle age preoccupations. What stood out was a slight melancholy about the relentless passing of time, and whether time couldn't be spent better when one reaches middle age.

So happens I was discussing this with my mother recently, ageing. This is especially pertinent for females, especially when you start comparing yourself with other same age girls. Suddenly a chilling sense of  "Why am i still stuck here?" hits and the anxieties set in.

Anyway, apparently few people ever believe their own age, and there is no such thing as a more elderly perspective. You decide very early on in life principles you stand by, things you value, and just roll on through the years holding on to these. In which case, age is not such a scary thing is it? Better to age with dignity then walk around in mini skirts and too much makeup. So what if there're wrinkles? An older woman is more assured, which is probably sexier than a teenager visiting nightclubs tugging at her too short bodycon dress while worrying about her mascara running.
Maybe age just means you dont need to try so hard to portray yourself, coz if you were doing things right all along, you are already the person you always wanted to become.

8.31pm post from my office desk

And guess what? Im feeling strangely happy.

There's an increasingly fulfilling feeling I get out of this job. The scope is literally limitless - you have the absolute freedom to decide how much you want to learn, how much you're willing to put in.
So much new knowledge to absorb every single day you wonder how those long timers keep up.

It's a brutal industry - truly only the fittest survive. "Fittest" does not refer to brawn, competitive advantage really boils down to sharpness of individual insights, and level of aggressiveness in marketing and implementation.

I remember when I was being interviewed by my then manager. When I asked her to describe "a typical day in the office", she said,"No two days are the same. Work scope varies from day to day." Haha what an understatement. No wonder she had that slightly apologetic expression on her face.


Life is not all about work!

I shall give myself a virtual pat on the shoulder here and now. Am going for a volunteering brief this Saturday, if it sounds worthwhile I can finally get off my lazy ass.
November and December are typically the most socially active months. Need to line up all those meetups, too many people I haven't caught up with in a long time. Now it's becoming really challenging, everybody's got other commitments, work takes up a ridiculously high % of our waking hours. 

Clambering out of the 20sth whirlpool

Yes indeed. Being 20something is like being stuck in an unrelenting whirlpool. Doubts, suspicions, fears, loneliness...they all combine in such a way I wonder whether life is ever going to "turn out fine" It has gotten to the point when I question whether there's a tiny streak of lesbian in me (no.)

Alot of people sneer at so called self help books, or dont openly admit they read these for fear of seeming like losers who dont know what to do with their poor selves. Actually, I find if you take them with a pinch of salt, and apply some analytical thinking, these books are kind of enlightening (the good ones, not the ones that start every chapter with a quote eg. "Life is a bowl of strawberries!")

So. I read this book "20 something manifesto" which is pretty awesome. It doesnt attempt to give any quick fix answers, but also not sweeping statements like yes get inspired and miraculously your life will improve somehow. In summary it confirmed what Im beginning to distill from all my past experiences - You have to look deeper within yourself before you can make any life-changing decisions.
Everything from career choices to lifestyle, friends, potential husband etc etc all boil down to who you truly are internally.

Suddenly brought down nostalgia lane. I remember thinking how damn useless i was few years back, with an unimpressive resume, and everyday person on the street qualifications. The long job search made me feel depressed and worthless. It was so tempting to just jump at any offer anyone held out, just so I could end all this misery. So glad I resisted and stuck it out. When I finally decided to map out who I was, not just in terms of capabilities, but also personality, personal beliefs, it somehow made the job search so much easier. No need to spring at every vacancy, and patiently search for one that seemed a good match with who I was at that time.

And so, here I am : ) From here on, the goal is just to live fully in the moment, take baby steps towards a few specific goals, or rather, signposts. Coz we all know life is a continuing journey.....

Personalities at work #2 - Perspectives goggles

I was just thinking today how convenient it would be to have a pair of perspectives goggles. Peek through it, and immediately you get a glimpse of your colleague's perspective.

Sometimes we get ensnared in a silly internal squabble, and at the end of the day it's always "person A thought this, person B thought it would be better done that way, person C barges in half way" then too many cooks spoil the broth so to speak. Happened to me bright and early this past Monday morning - without warning a colleague decided to drop a politely nasty email looping in tom dick and harry.

Now, if only we had that perspectives goggles! Everyone takes a turn to peek through it, and suddenly the other person's rationale for doing what he/she does crystallises in an instant. No miscommunication, more efficient cooperation, more work done, everybody goes off early for a quick beer at the pub downstairs. If only life was that easy huh.

My (our?) song

Cram my ears with music, fill my head with a million thoughts, do crazy bad dance moves, if only to shut out the deafening loneliness.

City that never stops eating

Awesome awesome awesome!!! I like this name better than City of Angels. As the guy says (in what seems to be super fluent Thai, no less), this nickname is probably more fitting. So looking forward to stuffing my face in the City that never stops eating.

I know lots of people go to BKK almost exclusively for shopping, and I totally understand that. It must be such a high to get the same stuff at a fraction of the price one pays for them here. Im abit greedier though. When I go travelling I hope to immerse myself totally in the environment, Like the Chinese say, the environment makes the individual. Im curious to probe further, what exactly in this environment makes up the people of this country? Could be food, culture, religion, lifestyle choices, fashion....whatever. I want to explore them all. I think it is this curiousity that fires up my excitement every time I travel somewhere. Suddenly there are so many potential opportunities to explore.

For the religion bit, Im definitely visiting the palace of the emerald buddha - the Grand Palace. Food can be found everywhere, so not too hung up about exact restaurants to visit, leaving it up to Lady Chance. There is this floating market with "boat stalls", vendors who sell food from their boats along the river. Seems really interesting, will make it a point to visit. Not like Im going to abandon shopping totally, am going to zero in on as many vintage fashion stalls/ shops as possible. Besides the obvious answer of Chatuchak Market, the recently opened Rod Fai railway night market seems promising. Looking at all the random Google images I just get more hyped up, hope I wont be let down, fingers x-ed.


There are days when I feel really lucky to be in my current job. Yesterday was one of them. We meet many new people all the time in this industry, so you know a really interesting person when you talk to one. Met this guy who's asia-pac director of a new service we'are testing out, basically he's an IT start-up entrepreneur. He was telling us about the HK IT bubble, when a whole flood of new IT start-ups got ridiculously successful and rich. Snazzy 2-storey penthouse office, complete with huge plasma TVs. But really, it's not about the huge office or TVs. When you talk to some of these guys, their genuine and total enthusiasm in whatever they do is infectious. It makes you realise that there is a much bigger world of opportunities out there than you can imagine, and if you believe in something strongly enough, and are willing to put in 200% or more effort, your vision just might come true. But yes there is always a caveat. Sheer hard work, and vision.

Back to basics

Don't know if it's a sign of aging, but I've felt the urge to shop less and less. When I was younger (damnit i feel so old typing this) and didn't know what to do with all that spare time after school, my fellow slackers and I would happily take the bus to Suntec / Orchard depending on which bus came first. Then we would just "hang out", which, in our case, was to sit for hours in fast food restaurants, try on multiple random things at every other store, and diss each other and probably irritating others around us. Haaaaaa. Carefree days. Yeah nothing was achieved, but you still look back on such days with wistful fondness.

These days, I dont easily buy anything, unless it's really useful, or Im going to keep it for a very long time. ie. not throw out after half a year. Same goes for food / daily neccessities etc. Besides the fact that this has saved me abit of money, it also assuages my inner guilt somehow for not doing more to help the environment / people who get less of the world's natural resources. The gross reality is that a small privileged group of people have more than they could ever consume and are overweight, over indulgent and self-centred. Whereas in other parts of the world some people can't even buy real food with their money because it's literally worthless, and besides, there's just not enough to go round. Meanwhile, more trees are being chopped down, species disappearing before your next birthday, ice caps melt continually.

Modern societies have reached such an appalling degree of mindless excess that we are not just harming the environment, we neglect our own kind, and quality of life really only goes down instead of up. What quality of life is there when you mindlessly go to a job you don't believe in day after day to earn your next holiday or LV bag?

To maintain my own sanity and level of happiness, I've decided to go back to basics. The body is all we have for the entire length of our lives - only one heart, one liver. So first and foremost, I want to take good care of it so it will take care of me. This has wider implications on lifestyle choices, diet, beauty regime etc. It's bloody hard work. But I've decided it's worth it in the long term.
The only big hurdle is my incredible laziness.

If I drew this as a venn diagram then it would be the innermost circle. The second circle would be the immediate community. Ideally I want to take a more active role in helping out my community, whether it be my neighbourhood, old people, stray cats, disabled etc. Been a bystander for too long, just think it's finally time to do something.

The outer most circle would be to travel more widely. Unlike what some may say, I belive the world is a wide place, however connected we appear to be in cyberspace. If one really wished, there are many hidden opportunities to widen your own perspective, learn new ways of living, find a new best friend. Perhaps how you live your life changes - who knows. Yesterday, I saw this picture of a young Jane Goodall. She was laughing, with an outstretched hand towards a chimp. It must have taken some courage for her mother and her to abandon civilisation and go live in the jungles - I wonder what fuelled that? And because of that choice, Goodall's life course was changed. Maybe all I really want to do is throw myself out there and see how I'll fare in unfamiliar places.

Personalities at work #1

Think im developing a habit of blogging at work - takes the mind off things for a while and seems like a more productive distraction than stalking people on Facebook.
Also, somehow words just flow out of the fingers easier when I blog at work.

I had a few blog topics in mind, but this being a Friday and the brain therefore being half switched off, thought to myself,"Why not blog about all the different types of people I see at work? Since it takes up more than 60% of my waking hours..."
I think this topic could potentially be explored over an entire series of posts, so this marks #1.

This morning, a colleague pulled me aside to complain about our mutual colleague. Her main gripe was that she was unhappy colleague H (hmm maybe i should start giving all of them private nicknames soon) who presumedly tried to accuse her of something that wasn't her fault / responsibility. Having worked for a while now, I have come across so many squabbles over the question of "Whose responsibility is this? (not mine!!)" Usually these squabbles only occur after some shit crops up.

Without taking sides and speaking from a bystander's point of view, I really dont understand the point of such internal tussles. What's the point of finding who to blame when the damage has already been done, I wonder. Isn't it far more effective to work out a solution so the same shit doesn't happen again. But then again, people are people - personal egos always stand in the way. When they say you should work smart, it's not just about the technical aspect of how you do work, maybe it's more important to be smart in terms of how you deal with people.
More and more, in ways I've never realised before, work has taught me quite a few precious lessons.

*added as an afterthought. There are more, but these have proved to be invaluable.
1. Never take people for granted.
2. Put in the effort to compose a polished, friendly email - it pays off.
3. Never badmouth anybody, not even when in private conversations.

Unbearable lightness of being

Recently, there have been quite alot of happenings in my life - whether at work or in private.
I have been a silent stalker of a certain blog which belongs to a 30ish year old guy. Can't even remember how I came across his blog, in any case that is of no consequence here. The weird thing is, I find myself identifying with this unknown 30ish guy on several levels.
It is not just silent agreement with his choice of music/bands (rock, indie, soul, seems quite varied), it reaches way into how we view relationships, not limited to the romantic kind. One statement struck a ringing chord - he prefers to keep people at arm's length, but gets upset when they stay at more than one arm's length away. I was like,'Wow me too!' It's funny isn't it, how you can feel a connection to a total stranger in cyberspace, when you get a virtual tour of his inner Aladdin's cave.
In fact he has inspired me to pour more of myself into this space here, if only to fulfil a certain self obsession.


Then at work, good times never last forever.
My team leader, who I get along fabulously well with, is leaving in a month's time. Sigh. Just one of the many cant be helped situations at work.
I hope whoever's coming in to replace her is a good team player, because otherwise it's going to be damn painful to work together.


I have also been obsessing excessively over the helpless impermanence of life in general. Like the work situation above, like how it's so easy to die in every single moment of your daily life.
One step too far, an inch or two away, a sharper pressure exerted, and you'll fade away quicker than a candle in the wind.
Milan Kundela knew what he was talking about.

We gonna stomp Tokyo

Tokyo sky tree

Trying to plan for a Tokyo trip - which may or may not happen hehheh.

Ideally I dont want to do the whole touristy shebang. Not so much Disneyland/Ginza/huge shopping complexes...maybe more gachagacha (used underwear!!)/gawking at cool teenagers in Shibuya/Omotesando/Kawaii creepy indie shops/2nd hand clothing/jostling with Japanese salarymen for ramen...

Experiences I cant find elsewhere, people I havent met, nooks and crannies I havent explored. Yep that sums it up nicely.
But i still wanna go to Mt.Fuji!!

The question is, how to do it on a shoestring budget?
Wondering whether it's better to buy a package off one of those deals websites, or source for budget tix + hostels.

on the right track to "sociable".................

Yaay i deserve a pat on e back.
Am starting to actively meet up with more people, hopefully new and interesting :))

Life is short, teenagehood is already gone, got to make the most of my time now.

Actually i dont miss being a teenager - so much awkwardness, unneccessary worries, and frustrating limits.


Phuket was awesome, will never forget that sunset. That's how a sunset is supposed to look like! Bright, radiant, complete with curtains of sunrays behind clouds.
I'ld revisit Phuket if only to see it again.

Transvestites are so damn hot. Im jealoussss. Too bad i didn't have time to sit in one of e bars and gawk at the bartop dancers.

Tom Yum soup in Thailand is goooooood : D

Need to plan the next destination soon - where to? Hummm.


Controversial vid, lucky she didn't get arrested...but hey, maybe she wanted to be.
I really like the song.





Looking forward to a Phuket sunset

....hidden lagoons in Phang Nga Bay........

...........and lady boys.

It's not abt the $$$, it's abt the places you've seen

Thinking about visiting TW / Bangkok / Korea some time Sep - Dec this year.
Need to go research. I want to go somewhere I can eat alot of cheap yummy food and see breathtaking scenery like this.

But. $$$$. Got to cut the shopping budget, hmm maybe do away with it completely.
Think I'll keep a travel research diary here.

....and life goes on.

Here I am, back here again in this mini cyber plot of mine.
Don't know why the hell i bother to update this long-dead place, maybe just put it down to sudden impulse.
Hmm let me start short - one word to describe current status:

work : frenetic
social life: pathetic
online life: unexciting
overall: lacking

Obviously I need to buck up and put in more effort. Alright starting with this blog.