Amazing pple - full of life.

The internet has opened my eyes in more ways than i thought possible. There is no end to the number of wonderful, inspirational things/pple i see in cyberspace!

Yesterday, i came across e 'Granddad' of Youtube - Geriatric1927. He is 80 years old and probably the oldest active Youtuber. I just find it so cool that he manages to keep up with the times, and produces pretty decent videos. (seriously.) Topics include his experiences as an enlisted soldier during WWII and his views on pple who leave rude remarks on vids, among many. I hope i'll have the same zest and curiosity he has when i grow old.

Another amazing person i've just checked out is 22 years old Elle Muliarchyk, a model/photographer based in New York. This gutsy girl not only took pictures of herself in dressing rooms (a common act among many of us, I believe :p), and even brought along her props, such as a giant panda bear soft toy, doughnuts, and a huge, highly realistic King Kong paw. Talk abt bringing it to a different level, huh? I just wonder how she managed to haul those things past the sales staff? lol.

Here's an interview in which she explained why she did it, and the heartracing thrill of almost being discovered.
She took really beautiful, professional pics. See them here.

Walkin' in e winter wonderland~

Anybody knows how tt song 'Walking in the winter wonderland' begins? Was trying to sing it and realised i couldn't even remember the chorus. Sob T_T Another sign of aging?
(Btw, could any of you believe it when you turned 21? Frankly, im still in no, I refuse to believe it.)
I want to go to Korea~~ The weather forecast for Seoul a few days ago was -4 degrees Celsius...maybe there'll be snow soon? Actually i just want to roll myself a few snowballs and pelt some random pple with them, before scampering back indoors to warm myself. I suppose it's all and romantic for e 1st few hours, but i probably won't be able to stand the cold. No kidding - my teeth were alrdy chattering on top of Genting. Lol~ Anyway, a long cold, gray winter could be really depressing.
Still! I want to roll some snowballs! Sigh.
Here's my alter ego all decked out in her winter clothes. I <3 her cap.

Here's to simple pleasures!

There's always a day on which I wake up, and the whole day seems to loom ahead like an empty chasm. It may be full of activities, but I just feel sian. School-Sian. Projects-Sian. Shopping-Also Sian.
I feel like there's no purpose to all these, that im doing them because i don't know what else i can do. Wonder how many people feel this terrible boredom? Im guessing alot, or maybe i just happen to know alot of bored people. Lol.

That's why, it's nice to be reminded that actually the tiniest thing makes me happy, makes life worth living. Yesterday, i came across this book, 'Things that make us happy'. It contains thousands of short phrases, no more than one line-all the simple things in life that brighten up our day. Some examples made me smile: 'Lots of sleep' (YES tt's a luxury~!) , 'Ice-cream on a hot day', 'Suitcases that actually last for 10 years' (LOL.)

It's so easy to believe that buying something will bring us happiness, and to forget the simple joy eating ice-cream once brought us not too long ago. Maybe this is how we gradually lose our childhood...without even knowing it? One day we look back and lament, 'Where has my childhood happiness gone?',
'Why can't i be happy when i go out shopping w/o buying anything?',
'Why is it so difficult to feel happy?'
and don't realise we pushed it aside ourselves.

Actually, I've been quite happy these days, chiefly because i finally have time to do crap i enjoy doing. Hahahaa~
Current obsession-Pixel characters (like my cute catgirl on top) and Trippen shoes.
Here's to simple pleasures! Hey, maybe i should go start my own 'Things tt make me happy' mini-project.

Is there such a thing called 'unique'?

Thought i'ld better post sth before people think i've deserted this pitiful blog. -_-;
Im on vacation now, which means more time for doing crappy stuff! Just now, I was reading some Taiwanese blogs over at found them quite interesting, or at least highly individual.

Nowadays, you get to see young people from so many parts of the world, not only in the real world but also in cyberspace...and among them, so many are talented. There may be dancers, artists, designers..the list goes on. One may be proud to believe he posesses a 'unique' talent, but perhaps, right at the other end of the world, someone, somewhere, has the same skills,and may even be better.
So is there really anything that is truly 'unique', in this world teeming with 6+ billion homo sapiens? Can you safely say there is an absolute 0% probability there will ever be any person like you?

Maybe this is why so many people try so hard to set themselves 'apart from the crowd', through their dress style, way of speaking or whatever.

Maybe we don't need to try so hard, if we recognise that ALL people are unique in themselves, even if they only dress in T-shirts and jeans, and go shopping in slippers. Because being 'unique' goes way beyond the surface, and encompasses your lifestyle, your views on life, your beliefs. In that way, each and every one of us is already unique, without trying to.

If we all just be ourselves, and feel comfortable in our own skin, isn't that already unique?

Blog's not dead....yet.

Just to let you know, this blog's not dead...yet.

Can't believe how busy and stressed i've been for this past month. Oh same old story-projects, deadlines, work. Yeah im busy, in a v.unproductive way. Sigh.

Kei, if you're reading this, i take back everything i've said before regarding people who sing on the bus. Because of this incident which happened quite some time ago...but it's not like i have anything more interesting to blog about. T_T

It was after a particularly looong day, and i just wanted to have a nice nap during the journey home. Some joker sitting behind decided to have an impromptu karaoke session. Maybe he thought tt was 'romantic'? At first he was just humming along to e song, and i didn't mind him much. Humming soon turned to (loud) singing. Then he decided he just had to sing the chorus of e same song at least 10 times.
So there i was, willing myself to sleep while e guy was butchering the song behind me. It's not like he sang out of tune, just that his voice was so grating, whiny and plain annoying. It got so ridiculous e girl in front of me turned back to frown at him, with no (audible) effect. As for me, i didn't bother looking. But i did notice tt the seats were almost emptied when i finally escaped to e 1st level.

ARRRRRRGH~~!! Has this guy nvr heard of KBOX? If u want to sing tt loudly, might as well use a microphone! Somewhere you can save yourself from embarrassment and others from irritation.

Btw, wanna know what song he was singing? Show Luo's 'Ai Zhuan Jiao'. He made me hate e song X(

Today i travelled to.......

Today's Sunday, and I was bored. So i did a little Iraq, England and Paris, among others.
From e comfort of my cosy little room, via 1 of my favourite blogs: mental_floss magazine. I wish i had tried Google Earth earlier. It's fun (n also abit scary) tt u can actually zoom into any part of e world, spying on creatures of all kinds going about the business of living. Haha~
Here, look at this giant bunny i got linked to. Cracked me up xDD.

"erm, e link expired n im too lazy to upload again. Try imagining a HUGE PINK bunny stretched out on a plain. LOL."

So does e description tt PC World gave it:
This giant pink bunny (Google Earth coordinates 44.244273,7.769737) in Prata Nevoso, Italy, was built by a group of artists from Vienna, according to published accounts. It's 200 feet long and answers to the name "Hare."
Such a cute idea.
Think i'll go explore more parts of Earth now~

What e world eats....

Im not of e grouchy kind, but i do groan sometimes,'Why don't i have enough of everything?' 'Life's so s****y'
and so on.
Everybody does tt sometimes, right? Greed's a part of human nature.
Whoever said tt life's never fair definitely got it right. Or maybe different people just have different standards-what's adequate for me may not be enough for you.
Just look at what families e world over eat in one week. Some just need less than 20 dollars to live for another month, but some scream for more even with a 300+ dollars budget for the same duration. That's just food-i wonder how much people spend on electricity (if they have any, tt is.)
Check out Time's photo essay here.

Is this life?

For a long time now, I've felt tt my life is like this..

Bus stop

Lights are burning
In quiet rooms
Where lives go on
Resembling ours.

The quiet lives
That follow us-
These lives we lead
But do not own-

Stand in the rain
So quietly
When we are gone,
So quietly...

And the last bus
Comes letting dark
Umbrellas out-
Black flowers, black flowers.

And lives go on.
And lives go on
Like sudden lights
At street corners

Or like the lights
In quiet rooms
Left on for hours,
Burning, burning.

Donald Justice

.....My life is just one of many tiny flames, burning, burning....towards inevitable extinguishing in a quiet room. Everyday is like every other day. Mine is the same as hers/his/theirs. Perhaps it's not truly my life, since there's little part of me in it.
Perhaps some of us sit, in mutual loneliness, even when surrounded with friends, waiting...
waiting for something, someone to arrive. Presuming it would ever arrive. How many of us really own our lives? How many more live it out for the sake of living?

That's why:

'Ah, love, let us be true
to one another! for the world, which seems
to lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
where ignorant armies clash by night.'

-quoted from 'Dover beach' by Matthew Arnold

For all the beauty in the world is only deceptively so, and more can be 'enjoyed' for a price. How cynical, huh. lol.
Consider a world without humans/animals-beautiful as it is, what joy is there? The only real, priceless comfort we have can only be found in each other.

Look, my v.own daemon~

Got linked to e official site for this new upcoming movie based on 1 of my fav books 'The Golden Compass'. And look what i found~ my own daemon xD

Cute, just like me. Wahaha~
So what do u think? Does this best represent me?

AHhhh~Im such a techno-noob

There seems to be some problem with my recent Chinese post, so i took it down for e time being. Apparently the HTML code is visible..though i don't see anything wrong in my Firefox browser T_T
Y like tt???!
Suspect it's because i cut and paste from Word instead of inputting the entry directly in Blogger...but every time i try to do that, e characters turn out in those weird symbols, which makes it impossible for me to read what im typing. TT_TT
Just as I think im getting e hang on technology, it hits me tt i don't even know how to control the simplest settings in my own blog. Sigh. Modern city life and its many difficulties. Lol~
Shall try again ltr.

















Dona Nobis Pacem

Oh dear, i think e pic's too small. Ah~ i tried. If u want to see what's written on it, please click on e image.
To start this off, 'Dona Nobis Pacem' is Latin for 'Grant Us Peace'. I got e main pic from this lady who started this blog movement some time ago (last yr?). Basically, her idea's to spread a powerful message on this day (6/6/07) whereby all bloggers will post e same thing/pic wishing for peace. Read Mimi's thoughtful post on how it all started...So now u see how free i am. lol~

[EDIT] Wow. It's working. I just goggled e words 'Dona Nobis Pacem' n it came up with over 2000 results for blog entries! n e blog count's probably increasing by e minute. Incredible.

Woohoo~ Cuba!

Am now in a 'Cuba' phase. Haha! Just watched 'Dirt Dancing: Havana Nights' featuring 2 awesome dancers (Diego Lunas <3~) , n some great music! Liked many of e songs, so i did a search on Imeem...and now im hooked. lol~
Also found loads of colourful pics of this sunny Mediterranean country. Gosh, e women's dresses are extradinary. Their cars are cute, too.

It's e dork's Birthday~ xD

I shall sing in a penguin outfit~
Happy birthday to u
happy birthday to u~
Happy Birthday to Micky~~
happy birthday to uuuuuuu~

It's Park Yoochun a.k.a Micky's birthday today~! Stay dorky always~ Though there's less than half an hr left..
Hope he had a great day.

Ok, forgive my spazzing.

Create sth myself for a change?

Great. Blogger's finally back to normal. It freaked me out a few days ago when I couldn't post anything.
Phew. Was almost gg to start an account in Wordpress.

First things first. Exams are FINALLY over! HOORAY~~
Have been surfing around these days after regaining my freedom, and seen loads of inspiring stuff...They make me feel a little ashamed of myself, that i am someone who only knows how to admire/gather other people's creativity, but have created none of my own. I use blogskins/wallpapers/interfaces that others have designed. I read books written by others. I eat food prepared by others. I adopt ideas/point of views from others. What is truly my own? Is there a single thought/thing in my life that is mine? that is original?

But doesn't everybody possess creativity? Just that not everyone chooses to develop it like all these wonderful artists i've seen. Modern life, particularly city life, is crammed full of ready made products and ideas. We forget tt we can actually come up with many of those things ourselves too, and then, we gradually lose the ability to create without even realising it. In fact, why create? Waste of time isn't it? people can just get it easily from some brand/artist/shopping mall that they admire. Tragic.
So, i've decided to create something that is truly my own. Just anything to assure myself there's still this tiny spark of creativity left in me.
Ooh, some of e stuff that i've seen:

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Wow, Im 'brilliant'! Yay~

Ohoho, this shall break my average record of posting only twice per month. lol~
Was blog-hopping around as usual and found this interesting 'Blogthing' on someone's blog. Im happy with e results- 'BRILLIANT' ME!! Wahaha~ Think everyone should check this out. It has a great effect on your self esteem. Hehe.

Your Birthdate: December 11

Spiritual and thoughtful, you tend to take a step back from the world.
You're very sensitive to what's going on around you, yet you remain calm.
Although you are brilliant, it may take you a while to find your niche.
Your creativity is supreme, but it sometimes makes it hard for you to get things done.

Your strength: Your inner peace

Your weakness: You get stuck in the clouds

Your power color: Emerald

Your power symbol: Leaf

Your power month: November

I'ld like to say tt all those positive traits are true. Just ignore e 'get stuck in e clouds' part.. Hahaa~ Im gg to try some friends' birthdays n see what I get. And maybe erhem too. Boliao me~
But it's really weird how I seem to keep reading blogs of Phillipinas in e US these few days. Hmmm.

1st day of exam. well wth


Seems like I've gotten hooked onto Youtube. There's always loads of interesting vids to check out, not forgetting my regular dose of DBSK <3 lol~
This past week was especially happening! Just look at this:

Kim Ah Joong in '200 Pounds Beauty'. Soo pretty~
Even though it's classified as a 'romantic comedy', I find some parts quite sad..and even thought-provoking! Well, I thought, life(or rather society) just isn't fair huh? Sometimes beautiful pple get their way so much easier in life. Tell me if tt ain't true. Don't believe? Check out e car accident scene in e movie.

LOL~!! Bet those guys won't be THAT nice to pre-surgery, 200 pounds her. Wanna bet??

Guess im happy : )

Even though there're a million things I could probably grouse about, I can safely say I'm happy now. : )
Sure, undergrad life didn't turn out as fun/relaxing as I'd imagined it to be. Think its even more 'no life' than JC. Hate doing e projects-alot of heartache which you're not even sure wld be rewarded.
But! apart from all that, I am happy, at least at this point in time. The path ahead seems clearer. Maybe because there are not too many choices to take by now. lol.

Oh Im happy, even though my Mum has taken to popping weird questions like,'Do you have a boyfriend?' and then,'Why aren't you going out with a boyfriend?'. Then she'll happily ramble on about how popular she was, e many parties she attended, her wild friends..etc..etc, making me feel like some loser. Who might stay single for the rest of her sorry life. T_T What's worse, she's not the only one who enjoys tormenting me in this way. A few times, when Bapa walks past my room, he would suddenly ask, totally out of the blue,' Don't you have a boyfriend?'

ARRGHH! Alright alright, I don't have a BF, and I just love slacking at home. So?? Seriously, if they keep this up, they're going to unbalance their daughter's mental state. She might just get desperate and decide to have a one night stand, have a baby, and maybe elope with some wanderer. Or maybe not. HAHAA~!

Oh well. I must still be thankful-at least I don't need to undergo the annual CNY grilling by pesky relatives. Heard it's even worse then. Phew~ Anybody has any CNY horror stories to share? hehheh.
Ok just for fun- look at my hubby..he even looks cute as a penguin! Wahaha!!

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Poems- Ageing and Death

Sometimes, I wish my brain was like an inexhaustible database. Wouldn't it be nice if I could remember all the cool stuff I've read in their entirety? Well actually the brain is like that, isn't it? Just that mine was probably not wired properly, so every time I slot in some new component, another gets overwritten. sigh.
Which is why I need to put things down in words. And why I shall post (yet) more poems today.
Do you believe in an afterlife? in whatever form?

Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep

Do not stand at my grave and weep;
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.

notes: This poem was left in an envelope for his parents by a British soldier Steven Cummins, killed on active service in Northern Ireland, to be opened in the event of his death. Apparently, it wasn't written by him, and its origins are unknown...

When You Are Old

When you are old and grey and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;

How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face;

And bending down beside the glowing bars,
Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.

by W.B.Yeats

Another poem-wistful~ I wonder if I would feel lk this when Im old. In fact, I alrdy feel lk this, at least what's described in the 1st stanza. Sometimes I look in the mirror and find that my eyes have changed. They look harder, less vulnerable. Is that a good or bad change?

Ryo Kase~~

I think Clint Eastwood should have won Best Director for this year's Oscars, instead of Martin Scorsese.
I mean, Infernal Affairs didn't even have an original plot, and the HK original was still better. Ok, Iwo Jima was based on Gen. Kuribayashi's journal, but it wasn't entirely cut-n-paste material..Im not saying Scorsese doesn't deserve any Oscar at all, but why didn't the jury award him for his other, better (and original) films?

Anyway, this was sparked off after watching Iwo Jima recently. Somebody told me it was funny, and I was like,'What?? isn't it supposed to be one of those sad, poignant films? why funny?' You know what? She was half right- it did have some amusing bits. One particular scene where they suddenly cried, 'Long Live the Emperor' in unison just sent me chortling. I dunno why, the way they did it was just highly amusing to me.

Isn't there a popular belief that there's at least 1 stranger in the world who looks like you? Hey, maybe that's true.
Because there's this guy in Iwo Jima who really looks alot like *gasp* Micky!! Monki said he looks lk an improved version of Micky. (nope, i don't agree Monki!) He plays Shimizu, e kind hearted Kempeitai. The minute I saw him emerge from a helicopter in the rain, i went,' OMG! Micky!!' After that, I was like,' Please don't die please don't die~' So you can imagine my sadness when he did. sigh.

Some pple might say he died a coward, desperately clutching that white towel to his chest lk that, but I think otherwise. He saw that the so called 'foreign savages' were every bit as human as he was, and even their mothers were lk his own. What exactly was his fighting for? For the pride and honor of the Imperial Army? which expected the soliders to 'die in glory' for the Motherland all on their own without reinforcements? How do you do what's right? Does any right or wrong even exist in a war? I think Shimizu just saw the pointlessness of it all. Maybe he believed the right thing to do then was to surrender, because he believed his enemies were humane enough not to kill him. In other words, his surrender was an act of faith. But maybe faith doesn't exist in a war, because he became a tragic victim of it.

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Ooh, the actor's name is Ryo Kase. He was in Nobody Knows too, as e minimart employee! I didn't know that!

walkin' in e sunshine

Somebody asked me where my ideal honeymoon destination would be.
I said i didn't know yet, but for now it'ld be a place with neverending grassplains/meadows and streams. We'll just lie right there, feel the wind and sunshine on our faces, and be happy simply because we're together, in that peaceful place. Yeah, guys! I'm a low maintainence girlfriend! HAHAA~
On second thought, best to have a good shopping spot. lol.
Even I don't know where this place might be. Maybe New Zealand? Does anyone know of such a place? What's your ideal honeymoon?
But for now, I can only dream, because i lack the 2 most important prerequisites for it to come true. Go figure. So, I'll just imagine myself strolling in a meadow with my (imaginary)dog Scruff. Note the matching slippers. hehheh.

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credits to yunqing on whose blog i found this fun dollmaker.

Happy Valentines' day to myself

I think im suffering a slight case of the HFV snydrome. Hunger for viewership snydrome.
Hahahaa~! I just coined a new acronym!

Seriously, i find myself checking out how many people have viewed my Youtube channel and blog every now and then. Of course alot of people say they blog for their own pleasure, but who wouldnt like to see people actually leaving comments for them? I get a rush of satisfaction and 'self-achievement' when I see that my viewership has increased, and get strangely disappointed when it hasn't. Therefore, the side effects of HFV- alternating obsession and depression.
Clearly, this is not a very healthy state of mind. But it seems like im not alone in this condition.

A recent study states that a v. high percentage( forgot how high exactly) of teenagers and young pple
check viewership on their virtual accounts everyday.
My brother is one living example. Every night, without fail, he'll check how many people have viewed his
Friendster profile. Particularly the number of girls. Anyway, I better curb this obsession before it becomes full blown. I dont want to blog just for the sake of getting more readers.

Pieces of me everywhere

I connected with this poem immediately, probably because I'm an untidy person too? Haha~
Sometimes I feel like there're so many odd little pieces of me everywhere, that I cannot safely say
which makes me me, because they are all part of me. Sometimes I may be physically here, but I'll
be somewhere else inside my head. Oh dear, this came out sounding a little weird. Anyway,


I leave myself about, slattenly,
bits of me, and times I liked:
I let them go on lying where
they fall, crumple, if they will.
I know fine how to make them walk
and breathe again. Sometimes at night,
or on the train, I dream I'm dancing,
or lying in someone's arms who says
he loves my eyes in French, and again
and again I am walking up your road,
that first time, bidden and wanted,
the blossom on the trees, light,
light and buoyant. Pull yourself
together, they say, quite rightly,
but she is stubborn, that girl,
that hopeful one, still walking.

Kate Clanchy

luv Singapura~

Check out this video! After watching, I realised how much I love this little red dot of a country.
I was like,"Yah that's soo true!" and laughing throughout the viewing. Hahahaa~! The person who did the
animation has a wicked sense of humour! Even found myself singing along to the chorus.
That's how good this vid is.
Right, will not reveal any spoilers. Watch it for yourself. ; )

back to school

(aussie accent)" So can anyone give me an example?"
"......................................................(pin drop)......
................" (Singaporean silence)

Photocopying room
balance several brick sized textbooks on the machine.
stare into space while my brain turns into slush. stone~~

Finally! End of the day..
"what are you doing after school? clubbing/shopping/eating out?"
"go home watch youtube loh."

Yay, back to school. Same old same old.

Happy new year~

Tada~! How do you find my new blogskin? Before you label me as 'another besotted hua chi', hear me out. Got several reasons for using this skin, beside the obvious one that it displays five shuai ge(s). Which happens to have my darling situated almost in the centre.. hehheh.

Was walking home after an impromptu countdown sleepover at Monki's place, when I just started to get unusually thoughtful. (Want to know what we did to usher in 2007? Something super lame, actually. You might have already guessed.) Was reflecting on my favourite theme of late- age. FYI, the DBSK guys are around my age, while one of them is even 2 years my junior. While some of us are still floundering around doing god knows what, they have already built a successful career and are going on to greater things. That single thought depresses me.

Therefore! In this new year I will try to catch up with them in my own way. Either academically or otherwise. More action, less talk! And thus the self motivating blogskin. haha~